Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Why Did Indiana Suddenly Change the Fireworks Law?

Was it a rare bout of rationality that caused a change in the nonsensical fireworks law that allowed their purchase but forbid their use? No. Note this from today's Indianapolis Star:

The law allows fireworks to be used only on the user's property, and they can only be purchased by someone 18 and older, state officials said. Homeland security and fire department officials said the biggest change is the age restriction. The law also adds a 5 percent safety fee on all fireworks sales beginning June 1 to benefit public safety programs like firefighter training.

Yes, the change in the law was just a smoke screen (ahem) to implement a new tax. Our money-hungry Republican legislature and governor are now allowing us to purchase the same fireworks we bought last year, but with a 5% surcharge. Once again, this shows that any perceived difference between the Democrats and the Republicans is not real. Well, maybe the Dems would have made it a 10% tax and required each purchase be accompanied by a pair of goggles...

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